Sunday, November 14, 2010

You Know You're a Bad Housekeeper When...

You are cleaning off a counter and find a rotten pumpkin.
A rotten pumpkin under your purse.

Please share your bad housekeeper experiences so I don't feel so lame.


Luke and Bridget said...

Literally happened this last week... We had a house full of family all week long. Luke tells me someone threw up by the couch. I start laughing and say, nope that is actually just frozen hot chocolate from Dairy Queen that the dogs knocked over. I couldn't reach to clean and obviously forgot to tell Luke about it. Months later... haha. Seriously Gross. I only share this to make you feel better. haha. ;) Super happy to hear Scott applied by the way! :D

Jentry said...

One day while we were still living in Logan our apartment started to smell funny. We cleaned everything. Rinsed out the garbage can, cleaned and scrubbed out the fridge. Still there. After a week of this awful smell we finally opened up the cooler that had been sitting in our kitchen and realized that we hadn't cleaned it out after our last bbq and there was raw meat still in there. Needless to say we threw out the cooler.

A Momma said...

Those stories did make me feel better. Recently I also found something molding into the carpet under the couch. It was unrecognizable. Bleh.

Brittney said...

This last summer, we had been having a problem with ants in the house. I had to rush out of the house one morning and literally, the second I walked in the door, my visiting teachers showed up. I led them into the house and there were dozens of ants all over the kitchen floor enjoying our breakfast. Yum!

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