Sunday, September 28, 2008

What does an Elephant say?

So, I'm not a huge fan of letting Jane watch TV or of those Baby Einstein videos. I've discovered that some of them are kind of freaky. However, Jane's into animals right now and she LOVES dogs (as long as they stay away from her) and can say "wuf" and she LOVES ducks and can sign duck and can say "duh". So I got World Animals, a Baby Einstein video from the library and a we discovered than Jane really likes elephants. So, here are a couple of videos of her demonstrating a fierce elephant sound.


therealmccoy said...

I want to squeeze her Elephant-sound-making-cheeks!

Sarah said...

Those are really cute videos. It's amazing how she develops and learns new things every day. It seems her abilities are different every single day.

There's another post on:

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